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Case #8 - re The People vs John Lauvai & John Moore (When you have 2 Johns, shits gonna happen ) (dedicated to Dr Seuss)

Case #8 - re The People vs John Lauvai & John Moore (When you have two Johns, shits gonna happen ) (dedicated to Dr Seuss)   

     During the rainy season of 2005, California was hit by rainstorms harder than ever before in my memory.  Houses were falling down hillsides, hillsides were falling down on houses, roads were washing away, sinkholes were swallowing cars, cars were floating down rivers that are normally dry river beds…real Wrath of God type stuff.

     John Moore and John Lauvai were partnered up. Our two Johns were driving down Del Amo Bl at Central Av, when their radio car hit a deep, rain filled, pothole and stalled.  As the rain fell harder and harder, and the water around them started to rise, a little rain water came in through the open window, making about an inch of water on the floorboard.  Our two Johns put their heads together and tried to figure out what they should do to keep their feet dry.
“Oh what to do, what to do, what to do?”, whined John 1 and John 2.
“I know!”, said John 2 to John 1, “Let’s roll up the windows!”
That option was immediately dismissed as John 1 said to John 2,
“That just will not do!  Ghetto cops never roll up their windows!” 
“Oh what to do, what to do, what to do?”, whined John 1 and John 2.
“I know!”, said John 1 to John 2, “Let’s raise up our feet!”
“Good idea!” said John 2 to John 1, and that’s just what they did…for a minute or two, but the water kept rising, higher and faster.
“Oh what to do, what to do, what to do?”, whined John 1 and John 2.
“I know!”, said John 1 to John 2,  “Let’s get on the Patch.”
“For the Sgt, a plan he will hatch!”, said John 2 to John 1.
Said John 1 to John 2,  “A fine plan that will be!”
On that they agreed and they reached for the mike.
But before they could speak, the radio started to squeak!  Then it started to flame!  The darn rain was to blame!
“Oh what to do, what to do, what to do?”, whined John 1 and John 2.
“We have to stay dry!”, shrieked John 1 and John 2.  Then they started to cry.
“The water is higher!”, screamed John 1 to John 2.
“And the radio’s on fire!”, shouted John 2 to John 1.
“Oh what to do, what to do, what to do?”, wailed John 1 and John 2.
Then quick as a wink the Johns started to think.  Simultaneously, they yelled
“I know what to do!” 
Hurriedly, John 1 explained,
“We’ll get out and climb to the roof of the car…”
“…and there we will stand up on the light bar!”, continued John 2.
So, that’s just what they did!
When they started to cheer, the neighbors did hear,
Someone called 911, and the firemen did come.
“We’re safe!”, cried John 2 and John 1,
 and this tale’s all done.

Verdict – John Lauvai and John Moore, this Court finds you Guilty of Not Having Sense Enough To Get Out Of The Rain.
Sentence – You’re names will be changed to Rainman 1 and Rainman 2 and all of your Dr Seuss books are to be confiscated.


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